Snapchat Pixel
To start sending your website traffic to Snapchat, all you need to do is to give OneTrack your pixel ID
Last updated
To start sending your website traffic to Snapchat, all you need to do is to give OneTrack your pixel ID
Last updated
Step 1: Open your Snapchat Event Manager => Choose New Event Source
Step 2: Click on Web
Step 3: Mark the name for the pixel you created, then Confirm
Install the Snap Pixel Helper extension
Here is the link of the extension
Let's test it in your website
The pixel is added in OneTrack already. You need to check in Snapchat pixel helper, if you see the pixel can track Page view, View content, Add to cart, Start checkout and Purchase event, so the pixel is working well
Page View: A pixel can track when a user loads a specific page on a website.
View Content: When a user views a specific product or piece of content, a pixel can be triggered to record this event.
Add Cart: When a user adds an item to their shopping cart or basket, a pixel can be triggered to track this action.
Start Checkout: This event is tracked when a user proceeds to the checkout process to complete a purchase. It indicates that the user is in the final stages of making a transaction.
Purchase Event: When a user successfully completes a purchase, a pixel associated with the tracking system is triggered in thank_you page.
You can see the overview of data here
And detailed here:
If you are still struggling with Snapchat Pixels, please feel free to contact live chat support or for the best assistance.
Tadaa, it is done, the Snapchat pixel ID is here
Just one action, please copy the Snapchat pixel ID you just created, and paste it in OneTrack, that is all