Twitter Pixel
To start sending your website traffic to Twitter, all you need to do is to give OneTrack your event ID(s).
Last updated
To start sending your website traffic to Twitter, all you need to do is to give OneTrack your event ID(s).
Last updated
Step 1: Go to Twitter Event Manager
Step 2: Choose Add events to create the Event ID
Step 3: Fill the information
Step 4: Choose the method for the Event ID here
Install the Twitter Pixel Helper extension
Here is the link of the extension
Let's test it in your website
Each event you created will have a unique ID. Your job is to pass OneTrack these IDS so we will send events to the right destination.
Now, please follow the example below to understand this platform.
Let's add the Event ID tw-o5n1g-ofy9p to track the Checkout Initiated event
So, when we access to the website, this Event ID will not fire. Until clicking to Checkout button, this Event ID will be fired in Twitter Pixel Helper
Let's test other events and let us know if there is any events missing
In Twitter, they don't show the number of events you received. If the event is sent to Twitter successfully, you can see the status "Active"
Moreover, you can see the last updated by OneTrack too.
If you are still struggling with Twitter Pixels, please feel free to contact live chat support or for the best assistance.
Here is the list event IDs you just created. Now, let's pass it to OneTrack
Please set up the Event you want to track in OneTrack. Each event you created will have a unique ID. You can choose to add the event you want
Tadaaa, it is firing well